Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Holidays!

The one thing I hate most about trying to lose weight and stay healthy is the holidays. Parties, family get togethers, there is always food there, and not the healthy the kind. I have been trying to just watch how much I eat, but when the food is so good and your standing around it for hours its hard. Fail on my part now like 4 times, and there is more to go.

I am really excited about New Years, thats when Katie, Mila, and I start this bet. We are all going to put in $50=$150. Whoever can lose the most % weight will get the money. I know that its not about the money, that it is about getting healthy and in shape, but $150 can help me! I am going to set a plan and I have more time this coming semester, I hope. I get done every day at 4 except for Tuesdays. So I am hoping to just go straight to the gym on those days. I really would like to get up early and do it but with opening the daycare I just dont have time.

Well thats it for now. My goal for this semester was not met and I am very ashamed because I could have done it. Heres to the New Year in hopes that I can put it off. New goals to come....

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Why is it that during finals and the holidays it is so hard to find time to go to the stupid gym. Being stress does not help either, wanting to eat while being stressed. Ahhhhhhhhhh that is how I feel! Okay so I found out that my aunt and cousin made a bet about who can lose the most weight, and guess what? Well the bet is working cuz both of them are losing weight and looking very good.
I just feel like I am back to square one. That this diet is not working. That I am not losing weight. And I know it should not be about losing the weight and that it should be about being healthy but I guess it is hard for me to look at it that way. I want to be able to feel good when I wear certain outfits. I am sick of going shopping because I need pants and leaving the store without cuz I get depressed about the sizes of the pants I am trying on, or the fact that they do not look good on me. What to do, What to do?

I am hoping that I can get a plan in place, something that I can stick to. Who knows? I have to get the will, the motivation to do this. I need to tell myself everyday this is what I need to do, it is the right thing.

Well we will see what happens in the coming days. I have to take everyday one day at a time right now.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Break


So Monday is the start of a hopeful clean run before christmas break gets here. Got a bunch of new routines I gunna try out. See how it all works. Will blog about my fat feelings as the weeks go on!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just a Monday

So before I blog for the day, I think that I am just going to blog Mon, Wed, Fri. It will make it easier on me but I will still need to blog so I will still be held responsible. We are going to see how that works, and I may blog an extra depending on the day. So anyways. . . . .

I eat the normal today except dinner. I finished off last nights left overs from Olive Garden. It was a lot more greasy then last night so my tummy does not feel so good but I am drinking water so thats should help me out. I went to the gym today, I climbed 17 levels of stairs which was a killer. It only took me 5 mins though, not sure if this is good or bad? I am shooting for 10 mins the next time I get on the stairs. I also went and played racket ball today by myself. You workout more when it is just yourself, instead of others hitting the ball you have to actually chase after it. I played for a good 30 mins, and the nice part is that I actually ran around and played. I did not just sit there and mess around.

So tonight I am going to really try to print out the workout routine so that I can do it tomorrow. Plus play racket ball again. I really like playing it, can not wait till I play with other people too, it is more fun I will admit. lol

Well thats it today, shooting for a really healthy and active day tomorrow.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Not use to it yet

So I was doing great with the blogging but I have just been so busy lately and when I go to blog I have to do something else. So I will be blogging again starting today...

The past couple of days have been good. I have been making good choices when it comes to eating. Still working on the amount and snacking but keeping busy the key for me right now. The working out is not going as planned but I am trying to get together different things that I can do at home and at the gym. Have a friend date to go play racket ball on Monday, so I am really excited about that. Danny says that I am losing weight and he can see it which helps my spirits a lot. I have a new goal to add to my other (posting coming later of goals). Today I have a date to go to Olive Garden and am so excited to be able to go and know that I am going to make the right choice.

Thats about it for today. Well be back tomorrow to blog about my day with food and exercising.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have fallen, but I will get up!

Day 4-6
So Thursdays are a crazy day for my. I have work/class/work/class. I do not get done till 8:30 and then at that time everyone is already to go home. It is hard to get that workout in there. I am trying to figure a way to squeeze it into the full day. I think that I will go rethink my schedule for next semester and put workout into the schedule. I have also been thinking about what my friend Katie said to me about the whole looking at this as I am trying to get healthier and not skinner which I again is a better way to look at it. Now I just have to get my mind into that aspect of thinking that way.

This weekend has been a not so great eating weekend. I don't think it is a matter of what I eat just how much I eat. I mean yes it matters what you eat, but I didn't really eat anything bad, just probably could have made a better choice of what to eat. Work said my food, and even after eating a salad for lunch, two hours later I ate what they saved me at work. Also, I hate bdays in the manner that there is always good food, and cake, and sweets, which I had to much of. But again that is another internal battle that I must fight in controlling how much I eat.

Well tomorrow is a Monday and a great day work on my eating habits and getting healthy. I am going to Chuys tonight for a friends birthday dinner, and as bad as I want a certain dish, I am going to be good and get a healthy taco salad.

"Knowing that you can do it and actually doing are two separate things"

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 3

Yesterday was a good day till I got home. I ate the normal like in precious blogs (and has decided since I eat the same thing every day except on the weekends, then I am only going to write the different than normal things down). The only that really sucked about yesterday was I had to stay up late and write this stupid paper and so I snacked trying to stay awake. I will not be able to eat anything each out of my daily calorie intake. This week has not been a good week in the food area. I did good yesterday, went to the gym and did more than the days before.
2 lap warm up
some small sets up side jogging
jump and jacks
and I did the step stepper (that was hard)
I felt really good leaving the gym and felt like I could have done more. Plan on starting a weekly work out that was given to me.
I still cannot seem to stop looking in the mirror and being upset. I look at myself and say "wow how did I get here, and why has it taken so long to actually do something about it". I want to be able to actually wear most the clothes in my closet, I am tired of jeans and t-shirts. But I don't feel good and anything else, I don't feel like I look even half way descent in other types of cloths. I see these large women wearing dresses and nice outfits and I just cannot bring myself to wear them. I hate the way you can tell that I am fat, you see my fat. I know that it takes time to see results, and I am at that point were I am like "I don't see results, what is the point of taking time to workout, it's not doing anything". Even though I feel this way I am going to keep going. They say if you do something for 30 days start it becomes a habit. Well 3 days down, 27 more days to go with Thanksgiving to face.
Well I am hoping to make it to the gym today, I have a late class and work, but if I don't make it to the gym then I will have to just pull out the wii and use one of the exercise games I have at home.
Till tomorrow....
I am a strong women and I can do this, I can lose this weight!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 2 & 3

It was a fairly okay day. Not much happened. I went to the gym though and did a brisk walk and jogging one mile. I know I should have done more, but I am pacing myself, I don't want to out do myself.

Break: Slimfast
Snack: Active bar
Lunch: Sandwich with Slimfast
Dinner: A TV dinner, watermelon
Late Snacking (VERY BAD FOR ME but I was hungry): butter bread and cheese, and an eggroll.

So it was a bad food day. For some weird reason I get this hungry stages and I just want to eat where as I should just be drinking water or chewing gum, or just go to bed. I have no idea how I am going to over come these late night snackings. Its just really hard when the roommates are eating and you smell the food, you are so tempted. NO NO NO!

Today was a much better day minus one bad choice. But over all I feel better. I was able to make it to the gym (didn't think I was going to be able to bring myself to go today), but I told myself that there was no excuse ant that I had to go or I would be in big trouble with myself.
Gym time: 2 lap warm up, 15 mins (1.13 miles) on the optical machine, 30 jump-n-jacks, 15 plains (no machine) sit-ups, and 10 of this leg thing that is suppose to help your abs.

As far as food goes:
Break: Slim-fast
Snack: Active bar
Lunch: Slim-fast with sandwhich
Dinner: TV dinner
Bad food choice of the day: 3 brownies

I think that I am having a hard time with the whole if the food is in front of me then "ohhh it wont hurt to have one". I knew I was doing wrong when I ate the brownies in the first place but I just couldn't help myself, they were there and so yummy.

On another note I have been dealing with some inside issues. I did come to the conclusion that it is okay to not see results right away and that was a huge issue. I would stop these diets because I was never seeing the results I wanted right away. Well stupid me "you don't see results right away, it always takes a bit before you start to see them". So for now I am just going to focus on the eating right and exercising part.

Well have a paper to write, if I get to a snacking point I will be drinking water and chewing gym. No late night snack tonight.

Thanks everyone!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last weekend of fun food!

So had a eventful weekend with lots of fun! Eat a lot, and probably could have made some better choices but I figured that this would be my last weekend to enjoy good (bad for you) food. And then its off to making the right choices for more healthier foods, or smaller portions.

Friday night went to Chili's-
had an appetizer
a southwestern bacon burger
string onions
shared a molten cake with ice cream
~but I brought home half my burger and onions

Saturday went to Renaissance Festival
A kolache and a half
Donut holes
shared a chocolate covered banana
Italian ice cream
Chicken salad sandwich with fries ( 59 diner )

Sunday at home
Finished my half of burger from chili's with the onion strings
Some pineapples

Not sure what I am going to have for dinner yet. We are going to the store at 7pm to get food for the week and I am hoping I can go in with a healthy mind set and get some stuff thats good for me for the week. The slim fast diet is helping a lot. I am able to maintain the 1200 calorie intake it is asking for minus a little here and there. I think I have a problem with the whole snacking here and there and this is the biggest habit that I must learn to break. WATER WATER WATER is what I need to keep telling myself. A trip to the gym is scheduled for tomorrow after my first class and I am going to try to do this Navy routine that was given to me. Don't know if I will make it but I must believe in myself and say that I CAN DO THIS.

I will be setting goals for myself and my body in a post soon to come.
Thanks to all that read this and help.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Getting Started

So I have my blog set up and ready to go. I will start the first true blog tonight when I have more time to actually write and put how I feel. Hope you all stick with me while I struggle with the battle and I thank anyone and everyone who subscribe and help.

I will win this battle!!!!!!