Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Holidays!

The one thing I hate most about trying to lose weight and stay healthy is the holidays. Parties, family get togethers, there is always food there, and not the healthy the kind. I have been trying to just watch how much I eat, but when the food is so good and your standing around it for hours its hard. Fail on my part now like 4 times, and there is more to go.

I am really excited about New Years, thats when Katie, Mila, and I start this bet. We are all going to put in $50=$150. Whoever can lose the most % weight will get the money. I know that its not about the money, that it is about getting healthy and in shape, but $150 can help me! I am going to set a plan and I have more time this coming semester, I hope. I get done every day at 4 except for Tuesdays. So I am hoping to just go straight to the gym on those days. I really would like to get up early and do it but with opening the daycare I just dont have time.

Well thats it for now. My goal for this semester was not met and I am very ashamed because I could have done it. Heres to the New Year in hopes that I can put it off. New goals to come....

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Why is it that during finals and the holidays it is so hard to find time to go to the stupid gym. Being stress does not help either, wanting to eat while being stressed. Ahhhhhhhhhh that is how I feel! Okay so I found out that my aunt and cousin made a bet about who can lose the most weight, and guess what? Well the bet is working cuz both of them are losing weight and looking very good.
I just feel like I am back to square one. That this diet is not working. That I am not losing weight. And I know it should not be about losing the weight and that it should be about being healthy but I guess it is hard for me to look at it that way. I want to be able to feel good when I wear certain outfits. I am sick of going shopping because I need pants and leaving the store without cuz I get depressed about the sizes of the pants I am trying on, or the fact that they do not look good on me. What to do, What to do?

I am hoping that I can get a plan in place, something that I can stick to. Who knows? I have to get the will, the motivation to do this. I need to tell myself everyday this is what I need to do, it is the right thing.

Well we will see what happens in the coming days. I have to take everyday one day at a time right now.